I’m craving warming dishes, especially with this freezing weather… hot, sweet, and spicy chili paneer… umami overload going on with this popular Indo—Chinese street food dish.. eaten as a meal or even as an appetizer, and it always hits the spot!
My method of frying the paneer until crisp and then immersing it into a pan of boiling water sounds odd, but I swear it works!! A few months ago, when I actually made this dish, I posted about it on my stories, and so many of you said you do this too with paneer… total revelation for me! The paneer comes out so soft and beautifully crisp on the outside. Go on…. give it a try. I’d love to know what you think!
My other revelation with making this dish was I used HOT Linghams Chilli Sauce which is incredible in chili paneer… @linghamsuk, this was the perfect level of spice for me. However, if you don’t want it too 🌶 , you could use Linghams GARLIC chili sauce, which still has the most incredible flavors but just not as much heat.